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Volume IV

Community Schools in CA
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Community Schools are an innovative approach to education that aims to meet the needs of the whole child, leading to better student academic outcomes. In the state of California, Community Schools are becoming increasingly popular as a way to address the challenges faced by students, families, and communities.

While there is recently an increased emphasis on Community Schools in the County and across the State, the Black Oak Mine Unified School District has been deeply committed to this work for the last 5 years.

In recognition of our Family and Schools Together (FAST) program and to further our work in this area, the BOMUSD is the recipient of additional Community School state grant funds. A quick online visit to our Community Resource Center will provide an overview of all that we
provide in the way of Community School services.

Community Schools in California and in the BOMUSD are characterized by their comprehensive and collaborative approach to education. They are designed to provide students with the support and resources they need to succeed academically, socially, emotionally, and physically,
which includes:

1. Partnerships with community organizations: Community schools partner with local organizations, such as non-profits, businesses, and government agencies, to provide students and families with access to resources such as health care, mental health services, after-school programs, and job training.
2. Wraparound services: Community schools offer a range of services to meet the needs of the whole child, including academic support, referrals for health care and mental health services, nutrition programs, and family engagement activities.
3. Collaborative decision-making: Community schools involve parents, students, teachers, and community partners in decision-making processes to ensure that everyone's needs are met.
4. Focus on equity of access: Community schools prioritize equity by ensuring that all students have access to the resources and support they need to succeed, regardless of their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or other factors.
Community Schools offer numerous benefits to students, families, and communities. Some of the key benefits include:
1. Improved academic outcomes: Community Schools have been shown to improve academic outcomes for students, including higher test scores, increased graduation rates, and improved college readiness.
2. Increased attendance: Community Schools provide students with a safe and supportive environment, which can lead to increased  attendance and reduced truancy rates.
3. Enhanced community engagement: Community Schools foster partnerships between schools and community organizations, which can lead to increased community engagement and a stronger sense of community.
4. Improved health outcomes: Community Schools provide students with access to health care, mental health services, and nutrition programs, which can lead to improved health outcomes.
The BOMUSD is proud of all that we do in support of Community Schools - we continue to work to eliminate any and all of the traditional barriers to full student attendance and academic success by providing holistic services to our students and their families. Again, an exhaustive
list of these services is available on our Community Resource Center website.
If you have any questions about accessing these resources and/or any questions about Community Schools, please contact your site administrator, or Bridget Isham, our Family and Schools Together Counselor.